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Employee Retention Strategies: How to Keep Your People Happy

employee retention
Employee retention has become a major issue. In 2021, 47 million Americans quit their jobs, forcing companies to rethink how they can keep their employees from leaving.
So, why is everyone leaving, and how can you keep your team from doing the same? Let’s break it down.

employee retention

Why is Employee Retention Important?

A huge number of people quit their jobs after the Covid-19 pandemic, which left companies struggling to hire and keep workers.

So, why are so many people walking away from their jobs? There are three main reasons:

  • Cost of Living: Rising costs are pushing people to look for higher-paying jobs so they can afford everyday expenses.

  • Lack of Growth Opportunities: Many employees feel stuck in their current roles with no chance for advancement, so they seek new opportunities elsewhere.

  • Not Feeling Valued: People want to feel appreciated and respected. When they don’t, they leave to find a job where they feel valued.

So, how do you make sure your employees feel happy, valued, and ready to stick around?

3 Employee Retention Strategies

Here are three simple ways to keep your team happy and engaged:

1. Focus on Work-Life Balance

People want flexibility. Letting your team have more control over their hours can help them balance work and life better, which keeps them happier.

Offer “Flexible Fridays” where employees can leave early if they’ve finished their work. Little perks like this can boost morale.

employee retention strategies

2. Help Them Grow

Employees want to learn and improve. Offering training or career development shows you care about their future.

Set up a “Learning Day” once a quarter, where your team can take part in workshops or courses. It’ll help them feel like they’re progressing in their careers.

employee retention strategies

3. Recognize Their Hard Work

Everyone loves feeling appreciated. Recognizing and rewarding hard work keeps your team motivated.

Start an “Employee of the Month” program with gift cards or extra time off. It boosts morale and encourages others to do their best.

employee retention strategies


Companies need to step up their employee retention game. Keeping your team happy isn’t just about paying them well—it’s about making sure they feel valued, supported, and excited to come to work each day.

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Picture of Bianca Cardenas, PhD
Bianca Cardenas, PhD

My mission is to empower next generation leaders to make an impact and get to the next level.

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