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Adaptive Leadership: 4 Strategies You Need to Thrive


In today’s world, things are always changing from one day to the next. To keep up, we need to be flexible and ready to shift gears, which is where adaptive leadership comes in.

Let’s dive into why adaptive leadership is your best bet to navigate this madness and come out on top.


What is Adaptive Leadership?

When we’re thinking about our modern workplace, being adaptable is a way of leading that helps both you, your team, and your company adjust and thrive, especially when things get tough.

Unlike outdated leadership styles that stick to one way of leading, adaptive leadership is all about being flexible and responsive to everything around you.

To become an adaptive leader, you need to understand its key traits. These are the building blocks that will help you lead in any situation:

  • Emotional intelligence: This means understanding your own feelings and those of others. Imagine you’re leading a team and someone is having a tough day. If you can recognize that something is off and respond with empathy, it builds trust and helps the team work better together.
  • Resilience: This involves your ability to bounce back from setbacks. Let’s say a project you’re working on hits a dead end. Instead of getting discouraged, resilience helps you and your team find new solutions. It’s about keeping focus and motivation, no matter what happens.
  • Collaboration: Adaptive leaders know that teamwork makes the dream work. They bring together different working groups and encourage everyone to share their ideas and work toward a common goal. This promotes new ways of thinking which leads to better results.
  • Learning agility: In a world that’s always changing, leaders need to keep learning. Adaptive leaders use what they learn to stay ahead of the curve. This means staying curious and open to new ideas.
  • Strategic thinking: Adaptive leaders don’t just react to what’s happening now; they think ahead. By considering how today’s decisions will impact the future, they make choices that align with their long-term vision and goals.

Understanding and embodying these traits is the first step to becoming an adaptive leader. But, how do you start?

4 Strategies to Become an Adaptive Leader

If you’re ready to become an adaptive leader, here are some practical ways to get started:

1. Develop Self-Awareness

The first step in knowing where you are is understanding yourself. This means recognizing your strengths, spotting areas for growth, and knowing what triggers you. If you truly know yourself, you know which traits you need to learn to become more adaptable.

I know this is hard, but the best way to build self-awareness is by getting feedback from others. After important interactions, ask people you trust for feedback on your impact – both positive and negative.

Ask them to point out the behaviors that led to those outcomes and suggest what you should continue doing and what you should change to get the results you want.

adaptive leadership

2. Continue to Learn

Successful leaders make learning a part of their daily lives. They use every experience and challenge, big or small, to improve and become better managers. This helps them stay ahead in their careers and adapt to new situations.

Sticking to your normal ways of doing things makes it harder to adapt to change. That’s why looking for new and creative ways to do your day-to-day can make you more agile. This approach not only leads to creative ideas but also strengthens your ability to adapt.

adaptive leadership

3. Empower your Team

Adaptive leaders let their team take ownership and make decisions. This allows them to get things done quicker and makes everyone feel more engaged.

One way to start is by delegating more to your team based on their unique strengths. Make sure to be available if they need help or guidance. This shows that you trust them, making them feel more empowered and capable.

empower your team

4. Stay Agile

In a world that changes day-to-day, staying agile is important. This means being open to new ways of doing things and willing to change strategies if you need to.

You can stay agile in your work approach by breaking up your projects into smaller goals and asking for constant feedback throughout the project. This helps you pivot quickly and keeps your team aligned with changing goals and priorities.

adaptive leadership

To understand which traits you need to work on, start by getting to know yourself better. Then, try new ways of doing things, empower your team, and stay agile. These steps will help you become a more adaptive leader.


In today’s fast-paced world, being able to adapt is crucial for success. Adaptive leadership focuses on flexibility and responsiveness, helping you and your team thrive amid constant change.

By understanding yourself better, staying open to learning, empowering your team, and staying agile, you can become a more adaptable leader.

For more leadership development tips, follow my LinkedIn or check out my podcast, Next-Gen Leaders.

Until next time, keep striving, growing, and leading with purpose.

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Picture of Bianca Cardenas, PhD
Bianca Cardenas, PhD

My mission is to empower next generation leaders to make an impact and get to the next level.

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