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5 Powerful Leadership Development Tips for New Managers


Starting your career is exciting, but it can also feel a bit overwhelming—especially when you’re trying to figure out how to develop leadership skills. So, where do you begin?

In this blog, we’ll talk about how you can start building your leadership skills, even if you’re just getting started in your career.

Why Development Matters Early On

You might think development is something to focus on later in your career, but developing these skills early can really help. Here’s why:

  • Career Growth: Leadership skills can help you move up faster. Companies like employees who can lead, even if they’re not in a leadership role yet.
  • Confidence: The more you practice leadership, the more confident you’ll feel. This can help you tackle new challenges.
  • Teamwork: Leadership is about more than just giving orders—it’s about working well with others. Learning to lead makes you a better team player.

5 Simple Ways to Build Leadership Skills Early

Here are some easy ways to start developing your leadership skills:

1. Take Initiative

Don’t wait for someone to ask you to step up. Look for opportunities to lead—whether it’s on a project at work, volunteering for something, or organizing a team event.

If you see a problem, think of a solution and share it with your boss. Even small actions like this show you’re ready to lead.

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2. Find a Mentor

Having a mentor can really help you grow as a leader. Find someone with experience who’s willing to guide you. They can give you advice and help you work through challenges.

Ask a senior colleague or someone you admire if they’d be open to regular meetings to discuss your goals and leadership development.

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3. Work on Your Communication Skills

Good leaders are great communicators. Practice how you talk to others, whether it’s in meetings, emails, or casual conversations with coworkers.

Focus on listening carefully and speaking clearly. Be confident and concise, and make sure you really hear what others are saying.

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4. Embrace Feedback

Feedback helps you grow, especially when it’s constructive. Instead of avoiding it, ask for it! Knowing how others see your actions can help you improve.

After finishing a task or project, ask your manager or coworkers for feedback. Use what they say to get better at what you do.

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5. Keep Learning

Leadership development doesn’t stop after your first job. Make it a habit to keep learning. You can take classes, read books, attend workshops, or even watch videos on leadership.

Set aside time each week to learn something new. Whether it’s reading a leadership book, watching a TED Talk, or taking an online course, keep building your knowledge.



Building leadership skills early in your career can have a huge impact on your growth. Start by taking small steps—like being proactive, finding a mentor, improving communication, embracing feedback, and continuing to learn.

Over time, these habits will help you become a strong leader. Remember, leadership is a journey, and it starts with a single step. So why not take that step today?

For more leadership development tips, follow my TikTok or check out my podcast, Next-Gen Leaders.

Until next time, keep striving, growing, and leading with purpose.

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Picture of Bianca Cardenas, PhD
Bianca Cardenas, PhD

My mission is to empower next generation leaders to make an impact and get to the next level.

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