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4 Powerful Leadership Traits That All Companies Want

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Have you ever wondered what leadership traits companies are really looking for? As a leadership consultant, I spend my time helping clients find the best candidates for key roles.

Over time, I’ve noticed that the same traits keep popping up. Let’s talk about the four traits companies want in their leaders.

leadership traits

Just yesterday, I met with Mr. Johnson, the vice president of innovation at one of my clients. He needed help finding the right person for an open director role, which is where I came in. I use tools like problem-solving and personality tests, plus interviews, to screen candidates.

But before I dive into that, I always like to chat with the hiring manager to understand exactly what they’re looking for. During our conversation, Mr. Johnson said, “We’re looking for someone sharp, creative, and adaptable. They also need to know how to influence without authority.”

I’d heard this list before, which made me realize these are the traits companies look for across the board. Let’s break them down.

4 Leadership Traits Companies Want

Here are the four leadership traits that top companies look for and how you can start developing them yourself.

1. Sharp

By “sharp,” Mr. Johnson meant someone who can think critically and ask smart questions.

These leaders don’t just accept things as they are—they dig deeper, ask lots of questions, and really try to understand the bigger picture. They weigh the pros and cons and make decisions that make sense for the company’s bottom line.

To sharpen this skill, start learning more about your company’s key metrics. Whether it’s customer satisfaction, profitability, or efficiency, knowing these numbers can help you make better decisions that benefit the entire team.

leadership traits

2. Creative

Next, Mr. Johnson wanted someone creative, someone who could think outside the box.

Creative leaders don’t see things in just black and white. They explore new ideas, embrace change, and encourage their teams to do the same. This kind of thinking often leads to unique solutions.

If you’re stuck on a problem, try holding a brainstorming session with your team. Get everyone involved, and you’ll likely come up with new perspectives that lead to creative solutions.

brainstorming session

3. Adaptable

“We need someone who can adjust on the fly,” Mr. Johnson added.

Adaptable leaders welcome change, even when it’s challenging, and help others do the same. They know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach and are good at finding the right solution for each situation. They also pay attention to how their actions affect others and adjust when necessary.

To become more adaptable, regularly ask your team for feedback and be open to changing your approach based on their input. Being flexible will help you meet your team’s and company’s needs better.

leadership traits

4. Influence Without Authority

Lastly, Mr. Johnson wanted a leader who could influence others without needing a fancy title.

These leaders build strong relationships and use their people skills to get buy-in from the team. They don’t rely on their position—they ask questions, listen carefully, and create an environment where everyone feels heard and motivated.

Start by building relationships with your team. Regular one-on-one meetings or team-building activities can help build trust and rapport, making it easier to influence and motivate others.

leadership traits


In today’s fast-paced business world, these four leadership traits—sharpness, creativity, adaptability, and the ability to influence without authority—are more important than ever.

By developing these traits, you can become the type of leader companies are searching for.

Remember, great leaders aren’t born; they’re made through continuous learning and practice. Take these traits to heart and work on embodying them in your leadership journey.

Until next time, keep striving, growing, and leading with purpose.

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Picture of Bianca Cardenas, PhD
Bianca Cardenas, PhD

My mission is to empower next generation leaders to make an impact and get to the next level.

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